Since today is the Spring Equinox, let's spend the week thinking about and sharing the seeds we're planting in this season of our lives.
A "season" for you might look like the next few months or it could mean taking a stand for who you want to be by the end of this year and planting seeds right now to get there...
This exercise sparked some uni-magic for me with a seed I planted a while back:
Five years ago this week, I was running a retreat. I shared the above exercise and the seed that I planted was the desire to combine Legacy Out Loud's work (the education company I co-founded in 2013 that crossed brain science and deep conversation to build confidence in young women) with coffee to address some of the world’s most pressing problems...
I remember feeling so torn, because I knew my destiny was a combination of the two but everyone I'd speak to would say "you have to choose one or the other."
As if by divine intervention, at that very retreat, the entire structure for BRAVE Conversations Over Coffee® came to me (I’d actually been using the structure and what is now the BRAVE Framework for ages, just not “calling” it anything in particular). It didn't all click into place until l planted the seed…
Now, because of that little seed I planted, I've become a trusted advisor to leaders at some of the country's fastest growing companies, one of Simon Sinek’s top Optimist Instructors teaching leadership through communication and last month, Seth Godin told me that I absolutely MUST write the #BRAVEConversations book... because more of the world needs to be BRAVE, and we can teach them... #overcoffee.
Why am I sharing this? Because in the process of finding and staying true to myself, I stumbled upon my purpose... and it all started with planting a seed. I’m not special, I just got #brave and planted a seed.
SO, what are you waiting for... what seed will you plant today? ☕️🌱🚀